Silence is GoldenThe Rocktron Guitar Silencer is your swiss army knife for wiping out hiss and silencing those changes to your music; go from heavy distortion to SILENCE without changing the tone of your guitar!
Featured Product
The Rocktron Mainline Power Amplifier is the next step in guitar power amps. It is a solid state power amp with a front end circuit that emulates that classic tube amp "feel."
Featured Artist
Mike Orlando / Adrenaline Mob
Mike Orlando is a longtime endorser of Rocktron and regularly uses the MIDI Raider, PowerTap, Xpression, HUSH Super C and his Signature Wah Pedal. |
The Rocktron Story
The concept behind Rocktron has always been to deliver quality sound to the guitar player through exciting and often very innovating products. Many of the Rocktron products seek to marry a vintage style to modern technology and bear the mark of actual longtime musicians who understand and appreciate the needs of guitar players and then design and develop products accordingly. Read on >>